
新一年级的学生可以通过合格的SAT成绩或高中GPA证明大学水平的熟练程度,从而免除分班考试. 请参考澳门赌博平台的 新生分班考试信息 文档 下面来确定你是否需要参加分班考试. 非正式成绩单和考试成绩可以发送到 以确定可能的分班考试豁免.



For more information, please scroll down to the 位置测试 section below.

The 澳门赌博平台 测试中心 provides testing services for Triton students, staff, 社区成员, and adheres to the Professional Standards and Guidelines of the National College Testing Association.


(708) 456-0300分机. 3252
    NCTA标志     CLEP百强标志


星期一至星期四: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
周六: 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

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所有考试都需要有效的带照片的身份证明. 所有的考试都需要预约.  Appointments need to be scheduled online at least 24 hours in advance and are scheduled by the test taker.  预约不通过电话或亲自进行. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time for verification and processing. 学生 needing two or more exams will need to make multiple appointments. 阅读更多关于 检测中心政策.


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澳门赌博平台 is committed to student success by ensuring new students register for the appropriate level of coursework. 学生必须在注册课程之前证明大学水平的数学和英语水平或参加ACCUPLACER分班考试. Please use the 文档 下面来确定你是否需要参加分班考试:


  • 成绩/成绩单应寄至 用于确定放置位置.
  • If you do not meet any of the measures for English or math on the 文档 above:
    • 你将需要参加ACCUPLACER数学和/或ACCUPLACER英语. 有关如何参加ACCUPLACER分班考试的更多信息, 请参阅以下“分班测试”一节.
  • 如对上述措施有任何疑问,请按 HERE 和顾问约个时间.

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The ACCUPLACER placement test consists of the following: Math (20 to 40 questions), 阅读(20题), 和写作(25题).  所有科目都是不计时的,选择题,基于电脑.  It is recommended that testers allow 2 hours to complete the test session.


  • Test takers must complete a 澳门赌博平台 application before taking the placement test. 考生需持有效身份证件参加考试,证件上须有考生姓名和照片.
  • 考试中不能使用外部材料和个人计算器. A calculator icon will be available in the test platform for use on specific math items. 将提供草稿纸和铅笔.
  • ACCUPLACER数学成绩有效期为2年. ACCUPLACER英语成绩有效期为3年.
  • 学生 who demonstrate proficiency by another measure may not need to take ACCUPLACER. (See 数学和英语分班措施 了解更多信息.)


The ACCUPLACER portion of the placement test can be retaken any time after 3 days from your first test date.  你每年可以复试一次.

In addition to ACCUPLACER, all first-time college students are required to take ISSAQ. This assessment measures a student’s non-cognitive skills that are not typically measured by a standardized placement test, 比如承诺, 自我管理, 社会支持. ISSAQ results help the college better serve and prepare students for success by identifying their strengths, needs, 以及发展的机会. This survey should only take about 10 minutes and may determine future enrollment into the COL 102 Embrace the College Experience course.

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测试服务包括分班测试, CLEP, TEAS, CASAS, DSST, AP考试学分评估, 先前学习评估, 以及监考服务.







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Prior Learning Credit is defined as credit awarded for demonstrated college-level learning gained through work, traditional and nontraditional educational experiences and other life experiences. The learning must be relevant to the student’s selected course of study at 澳门赌博平台. Prior Learning Credit may be awarded through one or more of the following means:

学生 may be granted college credit through successful performance on any of the advanced placement tests of the 大学委员会. 学生负责将成绩提交给记录评估办公室,并提交申请,要求授予此类学分. Credit awarded in this manner will be added to the semester hours earned but not the semester hours attempted or the grade points. 学生必须达到系所规定的分数.



DSST计划是一系列广泛的38门大学学科领域的考试,与本科课程的期末或课程结束考试相当. The American Council on Education (ACE) recommends three semester hours of credit per test. 接受DSST学分须经部门批准.

学院遵循ACE的建议,在基础训练中授予四个学期的体育本科学分和两个学期的健康教育学分. In addition, courses completed in training may also be accepted for college credit.


在对特定课程的内容进行审查或按照各个部门的政策进行能力考试后,可以授予学分或先修课程. All credits or advanced placement awarded are subject to approval by the department chairperson and the appropriate dean. 学生 should contact the department to determine if a proficiency exam is available in the area of study.

有工作经验的学生, 军事经验, 学术经验或证书转化为已掌握Triton课程的内容,可根据部门政策申请获得学分.

学生可以转学学校的课程 在制度上,经认可的大学学院,成绩为C或以上. 学生 interested in transferring a grade of “D” should contact the Records Department for additional information. Official transcripts must be submitted to the Records Department for evaluation.

获得国家双语印章的学生, the equivalent of two years of foreign language coursework taken during high school, 是否有资格获得先前学习学分. 有兴趣获得这一荣誉学分的学生必须在获得批准的高中毕业后三年内向Triton学院提出申请. Click here 与特里同学院课程相当.

在国际学士学位考试中获得四分或更高分数的学生将获得不分级的学分,以满足核心课程或选修课程的学位要求. 学生负责将成绩提交给记录评估办公室,并提交申请,要求授予此类学分. Credit awarded in this manner will be added to the semester hours earned but not the semester hours attempted or the grade points.

请看学院的 中国人民解放军小册子 以取得等同的课程


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学生可以通过成功完成大学入学考试委员会的任何一门预修(AP)考试获得大学学分. 澳门赌博平台 grants credit for 跳级 examinations on which a student scores 3 or higher.

学生有责任将他们的分数提交给记录评估办公室,并提交请求授予此类学分的请愿书. Credit awarded in this manner will be added to the semester hours earned but not the semester hours attempted or the grade points. 学生必须达到系所规定的分数.


为了获得认可的AP考试的学分, an official transcript must be ordered from CollegeBoard and sent to the 澳门赌博平台. 欲订购成绩单,请访问CollegeBoard www.美国大学.com/ap. Score reports sent directly to a student’s home can be accepted provided they remain in the sealed envelope.

The 大学先修课程指引 will be used for students who have 跳级 scores evaluated for credit at 澳门赌博平台.

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CASAS (成人学生综合评核系统)
CASAS tests assess a student's skill levels needed for success in the workplace, 社区, 建立可衡量的目标和学习成果. CASAS  is used at 澳门赌博平台 to help all potential students entering  the English as a Second Language (ESL) program. ESL courses are designed to help non–native English speakers develop reading, writing, 听说能力.

特里顿学院提供六门课程 levels 从非常基础到高级的ESL教学.


  • Come to the 成人教育 Office located in the A-Building, Room A-203
  • 填入表格并附上照片
  • 参加CASAS测试
  • 报名参加分班测试,以确定正确的等级分班

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CLEP (大学水平考试项目)

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) offers students the opportunity to bypass undergraduate coursework saving money and time, 同时实现他们的学术目标. CLEP是最被广泛接受的学分考试项目,用于评估通过先前的学习和生活经验获得的大学水平的知识. 2人以上,900 colleges and universities award college credit for passing CLEP scores.

Triton students and students attending outside universities or colleges are welcome to take the CLEP exam at 澳门赌博平台. 资格分数可能因机构和考试而异. Candidates are encouraged to check with their credit-granting institution to verify that the exam will meet their curriculum needs.

In order to earn credits at 澳门赌博平台 for your qualifying CLEP score you must be a current student enrolled in credit classes.

Please click the button below 了解更多信息 regarding CLEP registration, 考试日期信息, 以及特里顿学院接受的考试名称:


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DSSTs(以前的DANTES学科标准化考试)是一种学分考试,用于衡量从先前学习中获得的知识. DSST计划是一系列广泛的38门大学学科领域的考试,与大学课程的期末或课程结束考试相当. DSSTs offer students a cost-effective, time-saving way to accomplish their educational goals. 2人以上,000 colleges and universities recognize the DSST program and award college credit for passing scores.

在参加任何DSST考试之前, candidates are encouraged to check with their credit-granting institution to verify that the exam will meet their curriculum needs.


请浏览政府统计处网页 查阅复习资料.

考生可致电考试中心 708-456-0300, X-3252 查询他们的特定DSST科目考试是否可用. 要参加DSST考试,你必须 安排约会 在特里顿大学考试中心,并支付考试费用. 考试时长为两小时,以电脑为基础. 请在预约时间前15分钟到达考场,向出纳付款并到考试中心(A-126室)登记。.


  • 考生必须支付两笔费用才能参加DSST考试.
  • Pay the exam fee of $85 per test (paid at the time you take your exam; credit or debit card only).
  • Pay the administrative fee of $20 per test (payable to 澳门赌博平台 by cash, 信用卡, check, 或汇款单). Payment is made to the cashier before checking in at the 测试中心 front desk (A-126).

军队成员可以参观 查看考试费用和资金信息.

除了考试费用外,还需要提供有效的带照片的身份证件. Acceptable identification includes driver’s licenses, state/military IDs, or a current 护照. 将提供所有测试用品. 如果你以前参加过DSST考试, you will need to know your user ID and password prior to arriving to take your test.

Candidates will receive immediate test results by viewing their unofficial score report at the end of the testing session. 测试结果也可在 通过输入测试时创建的用户名和密码.

If you want an official transcript of your scores sent to a college or university, you must provide the correct DSST code number of the school on your answer sheet at the time you take the exam. 在参加考试之前,请访问 to find the DSST code number for the school where you would like your score report sent.

如果在测试时没有输入代码, there is a charge of a $30 transcript fee to send scores to your college.

In order to earn credits for your qualifying DSST exam score at 澳门赌博平台, the 澳门赌博平台 测试中心 must receive an official score transcript from DSST and the candidate must fill out a general petition. Petitions can be obtained from the 测试中心 or the Welcome Center and should be submitted to the 测试中心.

Candidates must wait 90 days from their last test date to retest on the same DSST title(s). Any attempts to retest on the same title in less than the specified time will automatically generate an invalid score report.

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TEAS (基本学术技能信息测试)

考试在Triton学院考试中心进行, A-126室(学习资源中心)

Triton护理学院入学申请 & 联合健康计划是受欢迎的. Test candidates from other institutions are also welcome to register for the TEAS at 澳门赌博平台.

tea由四个部分组成(阅读, 数学, Science and English/Language Usage) and the total test time is 209 minutes. 澳门赌博平台 测试中心 is administering the computer-based ATI TEAS exam on-campus, and dates are available on the ATI TEAS website – follow the steps below to register.

请点击下面的按钮获取更多注册信息, 审核材料和Triton复试政策:


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WorkKeys is a series of exams used to measure skills for various job-related proficiencies and requirements, 包括国家职业准备证书(NCRC). 测试需要身体检查, current and valid government or state issued photograph identification card (driver's license, 状态标识, 护照, etc.).

Note: Test takers will need to know which specific WorkKeys subjects they need to complete.  如果不确定, test takers should contact their organization/company prior to their test date for clarification.

Triton对每个WorkKeys主题测试收取费用.  Test candidates should check in at the 测试中心 front desk on the day of their exam for specific payment instructions.


  • 应用数学(27美元.00)
  • 职场文件(27美元).00)
  • 《澳门赌博平台》(Graphic Literacy)售价27美元.00)
  • 商务写作(35美元.00)

获得国家职业准备证书, test takers need to earn qualifying scores in three subjects: Applied Math, 工作文件, 及图形素养.  关于NCRC的更多信息.

准备材料.  有关WorkKeys准备材料的其他信息, 请致电WorkKeys客服800-967-5539.

Score reports are available at the end of your testing session (except for Business Writing).  分数报告也可在  向你的公司/组织查询合格分数. Business Writing scores are available approximately three to 5 days after the date of testing.

完成国家职业准备证书测试包并获得合格分数的考生可以在以下网站获得他们的NCRC证书 测试日期后大约一周.


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